Tuesday, May 31, 2005

I am of for another ride. Tonight will be a shorter ride about 1 1/2 hours and proberly around 22 miles.

Monday, May 30, 2005

Isnt it purty. freshly painted shed. It only took Michelle, Ann, Loran and myself about 10 hours.  Posted by Hello
BEES, BEES EVERYWHERE!!! Have you ever seen those cartoons where the swarm of bees comes along and it looks like a dark cloud. Thats not to far off. Michelle and I where painting the shed and we heard all this buzzing(loud). It was a huge swarm of bees and they decided to spend the night out on a tree. They checked out this a.m. and are gone now. Kinda cool looking actually.

Sunday, May 29, 2005

Oh yea by the way we hit 500 hits the other day!!
It feels like Florida in july here right now since the humidity is so high from all the thunderstorms that we have had in the past few days. We are closed at the shop tommorow which is a nice break. The fellow picked up his bike (previous post) and realized it is way to small for him, so basicly he did all that for nothing.

Friday, May 27, 2005

I guess this is what smoking a carton of cancer sticks a week buys you after a year or so. A $69.00 p.o.s. Maybe he can sell it for $50 to help pay for the kimo. Oh wait he paid us $65 to build it, nevermind Posted by Hello

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Alright ride complete. A little less than I wanted but thats ok. I did about 3 1/4 hours and felt great the whole time. Thats a good start. Better to stop while you still have something left that to go too far and break yourself down.

We were slow at the shop from 9-5 but from 5-6 we rocked. Three bikes and a bunch of parts.

Star Wars was good pretty much what I suspected it would be. I thought if we went on a tuesday night it would be slow but I was wrong. I guess everyone thought that.

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Well it is another slow day at the shop and it proberly has something to do with the heat. Although today is not that bad. It is a chilly 101' outside.

Tonight Michelle and I are going to watch StarWars and then I will be on the bike for 3-4 hours.

Monday, May 23, 2005

It was 96' when I left the house this morning at 8:30.

The high was hot. I think once you get over 110 it really does not matter anymore.

Slow at the shop ( Imagine that)

Michelle wants the xm radio. we will see

My ride is still on for tuesday night. After Star Wars.

Sunday, May 22, 2005

Yet another record high day here in Tucson. 109' today and thats is actually not to far away from the overall record high of 115'.I will try to be on the bike by 6:00 am tommorow.

I think we might go see the new Star Wars movie tuesday night b-4 my ride. That will give the pavement some time to cool off.
some wheels for the 29er for night rode training. Posted by Hello
Here is the kickstand I was talking about. This is actually in the shade. Posted by Hello

Saturday, May 21, 2005

Ok you know it is hot when a bicycle kickstand is sinking into the pavement. I took a pic and will post that soon. I was up and on the bike by 6:30 this am and was able to get in a hour and forty minutes. That was good. I think I will do a long night ride tuesday night. Maybe 4 hours or so we will see how it goes.
108' today, thats 18 over the average! This might be for the best, a quick heat wave to wet the palate and get us use to it.

Friday, May 20, 2005

Great headline "100' :this just might be the day" They were not kidding. Posted by Hello
Well it hit 104' today, yup it is hot, only 5 more months of 100'+. I wonder how it is in Alaska right now?

Someone put some smut on my last post under the comment section so I deleted the whole thing. If you also commented please recomment. I am currently tring to smoke something in the new smoker. Be scared, very scared.
400 posts

Im tired

ahh Starbucks

Im still tired

Rode last night

Starbucks starting to kick in

It is Friday!!

thats it see yaa

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Well it is back to work. Mom seemed to have made it home ok and life is back to normal.I did not make it for the ride this am so I will do it tonight instead. I actually prefer the night ride since the az sun is so strong.

I think I proberly put on ten lbs in the past week with all the cake and junk I have been eating not to mention all the dinners out. Oh well it is time to loose it and more.

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Man I need a vacation from my vacation. Tommorow is the start of training for the july event and I am in no mood. Oh well I will be up at 5:30 for my ride. Mom is home and I am sure she is a wreck as well. Good thing she took a couple extra days off. I will be at work by nine and I am going to bed now.It is 7:50pm ( is that bad?)
The bird is in the air. Over.

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Grill in action . It brings a tear to my eye. Posted by Hello
Burn baby burn!! Posted by Hello
Here is a typical picture of two to many cameras. Posted by Hello
Allright the grill is purchased built and ready to burn. I went the charcoal route and paid a little extra for the cast iron grates. They are seasoning as we speak! Tonight we grill!!
Allright the grill is purchased built and ready to burn. I went the charcoal route and paid a little extra for the cast iron grates. They are seasoning as we speak! Tonight we grill!!
Day six of mothers vacation. Today we went to about 4 stores looking for charcoal grills. They are harder to find now than they used to be. Now they are all gas. I guess we are all getting lazy. I am just as guilty as the rest of us though, my old grill is gas. We also went to the bank to deposit all my birthday loot. Thanks to all.

I think we found one at Lowes but there is a localy owned BBQ store that I will give a shot also since I like to keep my money local.

My brother said that auto cad is the root of all evil, I wonder why?

Tommorow is the day I drop mom off at the airport so she can go home and recover from us running her around for a week. she will need it.

Monday, May 16, 2005

Man it was getting a little warm today about 95' or so. Tommorow is not going to be so hot (around 89'). I figure I will be spending at least one week a month in pine top preparing for the July race. That will give me more time per day to get in the long rides since it is usually 90-110' by 9:00am. Yea welcome to the desert!

We went to Lil' Abners for dinner for my b-day tonight. It is an old place that still cooks outside on an open fire. GOOD FOOD.
Nice one! someone put alot of time into finding this one. Posted by Hello
Just some of the grief turning thirty gets you.Note the black balloons. Posted by Hello

Sunday, May 15, 2005

Here is a pic of the Salt River Canyon.  Posted by Hello
We are back from Pine top. Ahh what a nice little town to get away to. The temputure was about 70' f and sunny. My poor mother who is from about 10 feet above see level was put on a plane and flown to Tucson at about 2200' and then driven to Pinetop at about 7500'. Yea she had a hard time with the thin air at first. Now we are back and she is fine.

Thursday starts the official training for the 12 hour race in Wisconsin. Long and presice hours on the bike are coming up. I also will be enrolling in Pima Community College for auto cad in the fall. I figure It is about time to get a real job and that seems fun to me.

I will post some pics of the trip soon.

Thursday, May 12, 2005

Just to protect my plans of furniture domination I had mom sign a contract that no pictures would be taken of the new furniture. So William and Grandma, dont try anything funny.
The bird is in the cage. Roger that over.

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

I wonder if she picks up Showtime with that contraption?? Posted by Hello
Due to popular demand (aka harassment from family) here is today's blog.

Michelle and I are purchasing the house we are living in now from her mom and stepfather. For some reason this way harder than it should be. You can go in to a car dealership and buy a new $30,000 car in less than an hour but it takes weeks to buy a house. Oh well I will just muddle threw it.

To all those except my mother: My mom is coming out for a visit on Thursday. That should be exciting. We are planning to take her up to Pine Top for the weekend and possibly Sabino Canyon on Tuesday.

One of our dogs (belle) hurt her foot on the fence and now she has to wear a cone on her head so she does not lick it all day .Kinda funny looking. She is a terror with it on since it hurts when she runs into you.

All is good at the shop it is kinda slowing down some for the summer. Usually June and July are the slowest times of the year.

The new furniture is great everyone should come out and sit on it. I am using this as leverage to get some people to come out for a visit (ie Bill Karen and kids). It may not be enough though and I may have to resort to more drastic measures.

The minute man deal is getting out of control down here but it needs to be done by someone since we know the government cant get anything done. There must be hundreds of them that come up to Tucson for supplies.

Oh well that's enough for tonight!

Sunday, May 08, 2005

Happy Mothers Day!

We have officially hit 300 views. I dont know if thats good or bad but it is what it is.

Saturday, May 07, 2005

I am getting excited about this race in july. My motivation is really high, higher than it has been about an event in a long time. Hopefully that will stay for the long haul. I have done my homework on the course and it is right up my alley fairly flat and the description (as far as how technical ) reminds me of North Carolina, which is some of the best riding I have seen. I cant wait!!

Thursday, May 05, 2005

Alright there is a change in the plans of julys race. If you have been reading this since the first day you will remember the event in northern California (12 hours of humboldt). Cancel that one. I am doing the event in Wausau Wisconsin instead. A guy named Greg I work with is from there and he said this event is awesome. This will also save me alot of cash since Michelle's family is from there also(two birds one stone). We usually go there every other year and this is the year anyway . There are two choices 12 or 24 hour and I will be doing the 12 hour (I figure 12 hours of riding should be plenty).

I have been hitting the gym alot the last couple of weeks and I am trying to become more powerfull on the bike. That means alot of leg work as well as lower back and abs. I am not spending alot of time on the bike right now just for time reasons but I will put a ride schedule together pretty soon.

Monday, May 02, 2005

well we rearranged the whole back half of the house yesterday. We made the master bedroom our room and our old bedroom the work out room and game room. That was alot of work but it was worth it.So now we have a completly different look with the new rooms and furniture.