Wednesday, January 21, 2009

well its been about 8 months since the last post. Man I had to jump through all kinds of hoops to reset my password. Lets see since last april what has happened? Well the job is going well I have now been promoted a few times. I went from a service manager 1 to a service manager 2 and now I took a store manager roll. Pretty excited about the possibilities. Aiden is doing well he is almost 3. He has changed so much. Everyday he seems to pick something new up. He is very energetic. Always in motion. He is still pretty skinny but thats ok I guess. Michelle took a new job in the spring. She seems pretty happy with the move. we keep making improvements on the house. We pulled the shower out and put in a tile surrond. We also put down tile on the floor. Painted the whole interior of the house ect...